Airplane crashes / air accidents in Munich

An overview of all flight accidents related to Munich-Riem Airport up to 1992
In Riem there were really few accidents (measured by its occupancy) - but they did!

Air crashes in connection with Munich

At this point there are reports on air accidents, plane crashes or plane damage in Munich in chronological order up to 1992. Basically - measured by the number of flights at the old Munich airport - really little has happened! Please also note that accidents are also recorded here that did not happen directly at Munich-Riem Airport, but often also included flights to and from Munich where the accident location was not necessarily at Munich Airport.

If you too would like to contribute something on the subject of a plane crash / air accident in Munich, we are always happy to hear from you. Via a short email to the team of the online archive Munich Airport - Riem is happy.


Air accidents in connection with Munich-Riem Airport

  • 21.04.1945
  • 06.02.1958
  • 17.12.1960
  • 17.01.1970
  • 09.02.1970
  • 06.03.1970
  • 17.02.1982
  • 12.07.1984
  • 11.08.1987
  • 25.01.1992
