The last machine from the airport-Riem is supposed to have been the "Freising" according to FMG and the media. In the search for the much quoted Lufthansa pilot Michael Sikora, I have now come across a disagreement. All media reported that the "Freising" was officially the last machine from the Riem airport, except for a TV report by ARD ...
In view of the fact that the “Freising” flew to Berlin with a full crew, it seems unlikely that this was actually the last machine that flew low over the Riemer flight with wobbling wings. One or the other passenger might have acknowledged this maneuver unnecessarily in the bag.
It seems more likely that the last machine seen was a Lufthansa ferry flight with the pilot Reiner Koglbauer. The A300 is said to be the last aircraft to land at Riem Airport from Frankfurt and also the last aircraft to officially take off - as a transfer flight to Erding. This at least emerges from a film recording by ARD. Since the machine was probably unmanned except for 6 crew members, it seems likely that this machine wobbled its wings at the time and was remembered by the spectators at the Riem airport. Another indication that the "Freising" was not the last machine: I can remember that the approach lights were switched off pretty quickly after the last take-off - so it didn't feel like the "long" 45 minutes after the "Freising" left the airport has left.
So probably the truth lies exactly in between. The “Freising” was probably the last machine according to the flight plan, the A300 with the wobbling wings was the last official start of the 18 transfer flights that took place that day to Erdinger Moos.
Does that actually play a role in history? Not really - but the online museum should provide correct data and I would also like a short interview with the pilot. After all, not every pilot is the last to leave the runway in his or her life ...