Lufthansa hangar

The reception hall of Munich-Riem Airport was called the Wappenhalle. Built in 1939, the Wappenhalle could only be put into operation as such in 1951 due to the Second World War.

In July 1963 the board of directors of Flughafen München GmbH gave the green light for the construction of the Lufthansa maintenance hangar for the Eurojet (Boing 727). The architect for the hangar was Rolf Zuleger.

After only 1.5 years of construction, the Lufthansa hangar at Munich Airport was opened on October 25, 1965.

The Lufthansa hangar, which cost around 10 million marks (around 5.1 million euros), was 101 meters long and 63.5 meters wide. The roof of the 16 meter high maintenance hall was supported by steel cables that were tensioned through four pylons. The pylons with a length of 39.5 meters were anchored ten meters deep in the ground by large concrete foundations. The approx. 45 meters of cable tensioning each carried the approximately 320 tons of the entire roof structure.

After the closure of the Riem airport, the Lufthansa maintenance hall was originally supposed to be integrated into the new exhibition center. However, since asbestos was also used in the Lufthansa hangar, renovation probably did not seem profitable, which is why the Lufthansa hangar in Riem was blown up on November 9, 1996 at 3:06 p.m.
